Workshop held in IBS on VUCA Environment and Challenges in Finance

16 Aug, 2021
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Dehradun: On August16, 2021, a one-day online workshop on VUCA Environment and Challenges in
Finance was conducted at ICFAI University, Dehradun organized by ICFAI Business School.
Workshop was constituted of four sessions by imminent speakers from prestigious Universities
like University of Hyderabad, Osmania University, etc.

The workshop started at 10:00 AM with the opening statement by Dr. Deepti Kiran, faculty
coordinator for the workshop. She briefed the participants about the workshop. She invited the
Dean, IBS Dr. Anand Bethapudi for blessings and to formally invite the first speaker of the
workshop, Dr. Lakshmi Rawat, Associate Professor and Head of the Department, Malla Reddy

Dr. Rawat, focused her session on topic, ‘Disruptions in FINTECH’. She started her discussion
from Industrial Revolution 1.0 to 4.0. During the session, she discussed various aspects from
FINTECH including augmented reality, artificial intelligence, internet of the things, Big data and
augmented analytics.
Next session, was conducted by Dr. Raavi Radhika, Professor, GITAM Hyderabad Business
School from 11:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Dr. Radhika, discussed on the topic ‘Emotional Finance’.
She started her discussion by drawing difference between traditional finance and behavioral
finance. She discussed the different investment decisions during different scenarios. Further, she
discussed about various factors which influence the investment decisions of individuals like
group feel, states of mind, phantasies and phantastic objects.
Post lunch, first session was conducted by Prof. V. Sudha, Osmania University. She focused her
session on the topic, ‘Investment’s decision in VUCA Environment’. Prof. Sudha initiated her
discussion with volatility which is being measured by VIX and its impact on investment
decisions. She gave emphasis on the correlation among the stock markets across the world and
how an event occurred in one region affect the markets in all over the world.
Last session of the workshop was conducted by Prof. V, Mary Jessica, University of Hyderabad.
‘Financial Well-being’ was the centre idea for the discussion. Prof. Jessica, started her session by
defining the well-being. Later she described various factors which affect the financial well-being
of individuals including financial literacy,

At the end of the workshop, Dr. Kumar Saurabh proposed vote of thanks to the management of
ICFAI University, Dehradun and Dean, IBS for their support, guidance, constant motivation and
encouragement. He also thanked all the speakers of the workshop for their valuable time and
knowledge shared. He further thanked all faculty members and students for being present
through out the session. He also extended his thanks to the technical support Mr. Akhilesh Singh
and his team.

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